10 Day Birding and primates Safari in Uganda

10 Day Birding and primates Safari in Uganda


10 Days

Tour Type

Multi-Day Tour

Group Size

20 People Max


English, French, Chinese, German,

Embark on an unforgettable 10-day adventure through Uganda’s diverse landscapes on a birding and primates safari. Immerse yourself in the rich biodiversity of the country as you explore lush rainforests, encounter rare bird species, and witness the captivating beauty of primates like gorillas and chimpanzees. A truly magical wildlife experience awaits!

10 Days /9 Night

You will be met and assisted by your safari guide/ driver at Entebbe international airport who will transfer you to your hotel for overnight. If you arrive early, you will spend rest of the day at leisure or go for some brief bird watching around the shores of Lake Victoria.

Overnight at Karibu Entebbe or similar. Meal Plan: Dinner and Breakfast.

In the morning, you will depart to Mabamba Swamp Bay in search of the famous shoebill stork. Reaching Mabamba, you will go out in a canoe to search the channels for the Shoebill Stork.
This is the most sought after bird by bird watchers in Uganda. Other bird species found in that area include; Black –headed heroin, African Pigmy Goose, African Green Pigeon, Red-headed Lovebird, African Crowned-Hornbills, and a range of sunbirds including the Green-headed,
Green, Red-chested, Collared, Marico and Scarlet-chested, the African pied Wagtail is common along the road. Later, head to Lake Mburo National Park for overnight.
Overnight at Mihingo Lodge or similar. Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast

After an early morning breakfast, you will proceed for a boat ride on Lake Mburo where this National park derives its name. On the boat we expect to see the African Darter, White Backed Night Heron, African Finfoot, African Fish Eagle, Malachite, Pied and Giant Kingfishers,
Hippos, Crocodiles and others. After the boat trip, you be driven to the renowned Queen Elizabeth National Park, bird watching en-route. This Uganda’s second largest Park contains a great game population as well as some of Uganda’s biggest birding list, an incredible bird list of 600 species, so hopefully a great day during this amazing birding safari in Uganda
Overnight at Park View Safari Lodge or similar. Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast

This morning, we start early for a bird safari and game drive towards the Kasenyi trail. The drive takes us through a productive area of grassy plains, which support large flocks of a variety of stork species including the Spectacular Saddle-billed, African Open Billed and Woolly necked Storks. Other species include the Bateleur, Grey Kestrel, Lappet-faced, Ruppell’s Griffon, White-backed and Palm-nut Vultures, African Crake, Black Coucal, Common button, Harlequin and Black-rumped Quails, Rufous-naped and Flappet Larks. Common mammals include African Buffalo, Uganda Kobs, leopard and many others. After lunch, you will go for a boat trip on the Kazinga channel, a 36km channel connecting Lake George and Lake Albert. Here you have a

chance to spot Kingfishers diving and an abundance of birds on the peninsula mixed with hippos and buffaloes. There several acquatic birds unique to the impressive Kazing channel, such as the white-faced whistling, pink and white backed pelicans, yellow backed weavers, wattled plovers to mention but a few. Return to lodge for dinner and relaxation.

Overnight at Park View Safari Lodge or similar. Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast

This morning, you will go for a morning game drive as you enjoy more of the wonderful birds and wild animals of Uganda. Time permitting, you will take a hike down into the verdant gorge which unveils to you a diversity of forest species among which are the grey wood pecker, black and African emerals cuckoos as well as the green hylia even though these are also commonly seen within the Maramagambo Forest.

Overnight at Park View Safari Lodge or similar. Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast

Semuliki is a haven for bird-watchers, it is the only lowland tropical rainforest in East Africa and here birds of the Congo basin can be found, so a highlight during our Luxury Uganda birding safari. En-route to Fortportal we shall go birding along the way and reach Semuliki late in the evening. In the night we bird in the savanna looking for nightjars and owls. The next day, you shall start after an early morning breakfast, carry packed lunch and head for a full day birding in
the forest.

Overnight at Semliki Safari Lodge or similar. Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast

You will depart Semuliki in the morning to head towards Kibale Forest, you will have a chance of birding the main road or one of the trails in the forest. We might come across the African Emerald Cuckoo, Purple-headed Starling, Black-billed Turaco, Yellow-billed Barbet, Grey- throated Barbet, Blue-throated Roller, Narrow-tailed Starling, Western Black-headed Oriole, Yellow-throated and Yellow-rumped Tinkerbirds.
Overnight at Papaya Lake Lodge or similar. Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast

This day, you will wake up very early and assemble for briefing and thereafter enter the forest to look for our cousins, the Chimps. In the afternoon, we may choose to go to Bigodi Wetland or take one of the trails in the Park to look for the stunning Green-breasted Pitta, Fire-crested Alethe, Scaly-breasted Illadopsis, colourful butterflies and other species of primates.

Overnight at Papaya Lake Lodge or similar. Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast

You will leave the forest and travel to Entebbe as we pay respect to roadside raptors and colony of Veillots black weavers. Plan for a late evening flight or add on a night in Entebbe to fly next day. Our guide/driver leaves you after a unforgettable birding safari in Uganda.

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